WIC is using new and existing technology to improve the entire WIC experience. Learn more about some of them below, and be sure to check back for updates and new ways to make the most out of WIC!

NEW! myWIC App
myWIC is a simple, easy way for Louisiana WIC participants take advantage of all the benefits WIC has to offer!
With myWIC, partcipants can:
- Manage appointments: Schedule, change, and view appointments
- Keep track of benefits: View monthly benefits and track purchases.
- Get a tailored shopping experience: Make grocery shopping easier by using the shopping guide and product scanner.
- Upload documents: use the step-by-step process for uploading documents before you’re upcoming appointment.
- Get notified: Stay informed by signing up for reminders and updates from your WIC clinic.
If you are having trouble with myWIC, including logging in, scheduling appointments, and more, check out myWIC Do’s and Don’ts. Lo que se debe y no se debe hacer en myWIC

Free Louisiana WIC Apps

Pacify App
Louisiana WIC provides wonderful breastfeeding support for new moms, including the Pacify app. Pacify gives on-demand, 24/7, video-enabled breastfeeding support from certified lactation consultants. No appointments are needed, available in English and Spanish, and the app is free for WIC participants.

WICShopper App
The WICShopper app makes WIC shopping easy and fun by using a product scanner to verify WIC eligibility as you shop. This app also includes food lists, recipes, and other great resources. You can put in your zip code and the WICShopper app will display an up to date list of WIC vendors closest to your location. It is available in English and Spanish.
Note: The Bnft app will no longer be supported by Louisiana WIC. We encourage participants to download the apps above, and check back for app updates!
Online Pre-Application and Gateway
The WIC Online Interest Form is an easy way to get started with the Louisiana WIC Program. Answer a few questions, and a WIC representative can reach out to arrange a clinic visit. Before heading to their clinic, WIC users can also request access to the Participant Gateway Portal to update health history and submit any required documents for certification.
The interest form and gateway portal can save time, provide better access, and allow people to start and continue their WIC journey on their terms.
Note: The online interest form is not a formal application for the WIC program. You will get a call from your local WIC clinic to start a formal application after filling out the interest form.
Redeeming WIC Benefits
Louisiana WIC benefits are now redeemed on an electronics benefits transfer (EBT) card rather than a voucher-based system. WIC families no longer have to separate WIC foods at checkout, and they can purchase as few or as many as they want at a time. Some WIC-approved grocery stores also give participants the ability to redeem WIC benefits in self-checkout lanes.
Redeeming WIC at Self-Checkout
Some WIC-approved stores now offer WIC benefit redemption at self-checkout! This is available only at certain WIC-approved stores. Check out the WIC store map to see if a store offers WIC at self-checkout, and look at how to use WIC in self-checkout at a specific store.
Click one of the stores below to find out how to use your WIC card at the self-checkout lane!
More Resources and Support
WIC Location Maps
Launched in 2022, these regularly updated maps make finding a WIC clinic or grocery store easier, anywhere in Louisiana. Address, phone number, and a link to Google Maps are given for every location.
Click the links below or on the images to be taken to each map.
WIC Clinic Map
WIC Grocery Store Map