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Health Care and Social Service Programs You May Qualify For

WIC connects you and your family to other health and social programs that are available in Louisiana.  To learn more about other programs and services read the information below or view the resource brochure.

Family Having Breakfast In Kitchen Together

To support all families in accessing high quality child care, the child care assistance program (CCAP) provides financial assistance to low-income families. For more information visit or call: (877) 453-2721

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) offers a discount on internet services and computers to people who qualify, including WIC participants!

Click here to learn more about the program and how to apply for the discount.

Head Start is a comprehensive child care program that works to prepare children for school through lessons, activities and nutritious meals. To be eligible, your child must be 4 or 5 years old, and your family must meet the income guidelines. Some programs also admit 3-year-olds, and children with disabilities are given extra consideration.

For more information, visit or call: | (866) 763-6481

The LA CSFP program works to improve Louisiana’s health outcomes by offering free and nutritious USDA commodity foods to eligible seniors who are at least 60 years of age.  For more information call the toll-free line at toll-free line: 1-800-522-3333 or 1-225-357-9099

CSFP Program Contacts

Tamara Dangerfield, CSFP Program Manager 
Office: (225) 342-8254

Rocio Hackney, CSFP Program Monitor

The Louisiana Medicaid Program may help to pay for medical care and related services for eligible children, parents, pregnant women, persons age 65 or older, and blind and/or disabled individuals receiving SSI or FITAP. If you qualify for Medicaid, you also qualify for WIC.
To apply for Medicaid, visit or call: | (888) 342-6207

Mental Health Resources
If in crisis or need of other mental health resources, call: (866) 310-7977

Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services Locator
Find alcohol and drug treatment services using the free online platform, ATLAS:

National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

Start Your Recovery

Start Your Recovery supports people struggling with substance use disorder. With this resource, moms can

  • Find local support and treatment options. 
  • Hear stories from women with similar life experiences
  • Learn about recognizing and dealing with substance use disorder

Click here to visit their website. 

Your diet has a significant impact on your vision and overall eye health. Eating the right nutrients helps reduce your risk for eye diseases.  To learn more about nutrition and eye health visit the Vision Center

This program, formerly known as food stamps, provides monthly benefits to help low-income households buy food. If eligible, you may receive both SNAP and WIC. To apply for SNAP visit or call: 1-888-524-3578

Metro Centers for Community Advocacy

Helping people cope with domestic violence, sexual abuse, and stalking.

Call their 24 hour crisis hotline: 504-837-5400

Louisiana Deomstic Violence Hotline: 1-888-799-7233

Other Resources


WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for WOMen Across the Nation) is a program to help women understand and reduce their risk for heart disease. At no cost, the program provides heart health screenings to women across Louisiana. Visit their website to learn more:

Birth Injuries

Birth Injury Justice Center

The Birth Injury Justice Center is dedicated to supporting children and their families who have been affected by disabilities caused at birth.  The organization strives to provide answers and guidance to ensure families receive the assistance they need to help improve quality of life.

Click above to access BIJC’s home page, or click here to learn about their cerebral palsy support resource.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

The Birth Injury Center offers resources for parents whose children are affected by Cerebral Palsy. 

Clean Away COVID

Clean Away COVID was developed to help families effectively protect against COVID-19 in the home.  Visit the website to learn more about the Clean Dance Challenge.

Download the Clean Away Poster below.